*Rabindranath Tagore’s Birth Anniversary (25th of BOHAG)
* No Tobacco Day (31st May)
* Environment Day (5th June)
* Independence Day (15th August)
* Teachers’ Day (5th September)
* Birth Anniversary of Gandhiji (2nd October)
* Disaster Management Day (13th October)
* World Hand-Washing Day (15th October)
* Bhupendra Divas (5th November)
* National Education Day (11th December)
* Children’s Day (14th November)
* Annual Sports Week (2nd Half of October)
* Annual Talent Show cum Prize Distribution Ceremony (First half of November):
This is a special and the most auspicious day for all PPSIAN who eagerly wait for the opportunity to show and enjoy their talents in the field of performing arts like music, dance, drama etc.
* Republic Day (26th January)
* Saraswati Pooja & Exhibitions
* Educational Tours.